Saturday, January 30, 2010

First Post

I'm attempting my hand at "blogging" for what seems like unknown reasons - but in reality I've thought about doing this for quite sometime (and have even opened other accounts before, without actually writing anything).  I've often thought how great it would be to be an accomplished writer and truth is I find other people's blogs amazingly interesting.  I find it amusing to read other people's "thoughts" and ideas, to me that is what blogging is - the thoughts and ideas people express on their site.  I imagine anyone posting these have it in mind that they want other people to read it (why post if not for others to read?) but at the same time, this seems to be exactly like a personal journal.  I've never kept a personal journal so in a sense this will be my personal public journal.

I'm a little leery of writing things on here, I tend to be somewhat guarded.  I may be opinionated but usually only with things that are (to me, at least) harmless.  Here though, I think I will try to venture into things that aren't so simple and benign.

I've contemplated a few things to write about, hopefully I'll do this regularly.  I tend to be random with my thoughts and interests - so I thought writing about all different things that come to mind would be a good way to start this.  I've also thought I would like to be fairly organized, I'm actually somewhat of an "organized mess" - if you've seen my desk at work you'll know what I mean, so I think it would be good to have regularly scheduled subjects to post about.  Something like this is what I thought:
  • Monday - Education (that is my chosen career field)
  • Tuesday - Cooking (I enjoy trying this, but have yet to master anything)
  • Wednesday - Reading/Books/Other Blogs
  • Thursday - Health/Fitness
  • Friday - Random Things
  • Saturday/Sunday - Religion/Sports/Parenting/Politics
I think to start off I will try posting on regular subjects, if only to force myself to have something to write about each day. 

I hope you enjoy!